Etica y conocimientoLa ambigua gestión del conocimiento humano

  1. Marceliano Arranz Rodrigo
Cuadernos salmantinos de filosofía

ISSN: 0210-4857

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 49

Pages: 497-522

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos salmantinos de filosofía


The possession of a symbolic language and the use of sophisticated cognitive prothesis, has allowed the human species to overmatch other forms of life in an essential way. And the application of the scientific methodology to put the environment at the service of her needs has led to such colossal changes in our planet, that many speak already of the Anthropocene, as a new geological era. But not everything has been blessings in this process. Human activity on our planet is causing such serious problems as global warming, progressive destruction of habitats and the extinction of other life forms. And the results of progress have not always been used in the most beneficial way for all, but have often led to wars, grave injustices and discriminations. To change this situation will not be easy. Only such powerful motives as the common admission of something above us, as a pole of attraction and fountain of normative power, could keep under control the instincts of aggressiveness and dominance that seem to inhabit us

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