Comparisons of ball possession, match running performance, player prominence and team network properties according to match outcome and playing formation during the 2018 FIFA World Cup

  1. Aquino, R.
  2. Machado, J.C.
  3. Manuel Clemente, F.
  4. Praça, G.M.
  5. Gonçalves, L.G.C.
  6. Melli-Neto, B.
  7. Ferrari, J.V.S.
  8. Vieira, L.H.P.
  9. Puggina, E.F.
  10. Carling, C.
International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport

ISSN: 1474-8185

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Alea: 19

Zenbakia: 6

Orrialdeak: 1026-1037

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1080/24748668.2019.1689753 GOOGLE SCHOLAR