Francisco Llerena Ruíz-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (12)


  1. Effects of physical training on erythrocyte trace elements (Cu, Fe, Se, Zn).

    21st Congress of the European College of Sport Science

  2. Hypertermia: acute effects on selenium and zinc trace minerals in erythrocyes, serum and urine.

    International Congress Exercises and Health, Sports and Human Development

  3. Influence of Heath Stress in Mg and P Metabolism during maximal effort test.

    International Congress Exercises and Health, Sports and Human Development


  1. Ingesta, concentraciones séricas y urinarias de molibdeno y selenio. Relación con la actividad física.

    Congreso Internacioanl de Innovación Deportiva en el Marco Transfronterizo.