Claves del minimalismo en el diseño gráfico contemporáneoconcepto y rasgos visuales

  1. Suárez-Carballo, Fernando 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

    Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


Pensar la publicidad: revista internacional de investigaciones publicitarias

ISSN: 1887-8598 1989-5143

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Zenbakien izenburua: Bauhaus: publicidad, diseño y fotografía cien años después (1919-2019)

Zenbakia: 13

Orrialdeak: 45-64

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.5209/PEPU.65019 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Pensar la publicidad: revista internacional de investigaciones publicitarias


Many authors consider minimalism one of the most influential trends in the history of graphic design, a style that is also experiencing an important boom today. However, there is some confusion about the specific meaning of the term (from its original link with art and its relationship with simplicity) and, at the same time, the work of various contemporary graphic designers shows unusual features. In order to make a rigorous semantic approach to this concept and discover these graphic singularities, the study uses two methodological techniques (a documentary research and an exploratory analysis) and develops a historical review that specially evaluates the Bauhaus and the International Style as the two modernist movements that influenced more decisively the promotion and consolidation of this style. The article concludes that there is an important vagueness in the use of the term —although, in general, it usually identifies the visual solutions based on maximum simplicity— and reveals new style properties that lead to a kind of Neo-minimalism: in this new paradigm , the traditional economy of elements is combined with ingredients  such as the rejection of the grid, a more spontaneous composition, greater freedom in typography and colour resources and a vernacular tone that identifies it as a type of postmodern non-design.

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