Animación Sociocultural en el 1º Ciclo:¿Cuáles son los Beneficios de Promover la Integración Escolar?

  1. Bruno Trindade
  2. Ricardo Pocinho
  3. Maria José Rodríguez Conde
Cuestiones pedagógicas: Revista de ciencias de la educación

ISSN: 0213-1269 2253-8275

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 29

Pages: 90-101

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/CP.2020.I29.07 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Cuestiones pedagógicas: Revista de ciencias de la educación

Sustainable development goals


The present article aims to show the pedagogical perspective of the relationship between the Sociocultural Animation and the educar, verifying the perception that the students and teachers reveal about it. Sociocultural animation is relevant in the development of the child, because valuing play, prevents conflicts and favors social relations. At school, this interaction with play makes the action of Sociocultural Animation applied to education help to build the personality of the child, instructing rules and rules of socialization in a playful way. Thus, the present study sought to demonstrate the value that Sociocultural Animation has in school integration and success, in the perception of the students themselves and their respective teachers of Basic Education. In this way, the TEIP Program was implemented in the Grouping of Schools Nunes Álvares in Castelo Branco. The aim was to verify if the students of the 1st Cycle consider important the relationship between the Sociocultural Animation and the curricular teaching with the objective of promoting the school integration and success. After the participation of 439 students, it was verified that the relationship between animation and educating is relevant and positive, being seen as a promoter and facilitator of school success and integration

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