Diseño y aplicación del test de campo TIVRE-Basket para la valoración de la resistencia aeróbica del jugador de baloncesto

  1. Vaquera Jiménez, Alejandro
  2. Morante Rábago, Juan Carlos
  3. García López, Juan
  4. Rodríguez Marroyo, José Antonio
  5. Ávila Ordás, María Concepción
  6. Mendonca, Paulo Renato
  7. Villa Vicente, José G.
European Journal of Human Movement

ISSN: 0214-0071 2386-4095

Año de publicación: 2007

Número: 18

Páginas: 19-40

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: European Journal of Human Movement


Considering basketball as an acyclic and discontinuous sport it has been designed and validated a field test (TIVRE�]Basket) for the evaluation of the specific resistance of the basketball player who allows to identify the anaerobic threshold and to analyze his capacity of recovery. 18 professional basketball players realized a treadmill test (PowerJog M30), with measurement of VO2max and determination of the anaerobic ventilatory threshold (VT2). 48 h later realized the field test TIVREBasket with heart rate monitors (Polar Vantage NV). There were neither significant differences between the treadmill test and the TIVRE�]Basket neither in the maximum HR (189.2�}1.3 vs 189.6�}1bpm) nor the HR�]anaerobic threshold (175.2�}8 vs 176.5�}7bpm), but if in the maximum speed (17.58�}0.1 vs 14.2�}1.2 km/h) and in the anaerobic threshold speed (12.9�}0.4 vs 10.34�}0.1 km/h). Nevertheless there were obtained significant interrelations (p <0.01) between the VO2max and the maximum speeds in the treadmill and TIVRE�]Basket. Also significant differences were only below the intervallic anaerobic threshold in the cardiac maximum frequencies of every interval of effort and the minimum in every recovery. The TIVRE�]Basket is useful and specific in the evaluation of the aerobic resistance and capacity of recovery of the basketball players.

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