El reinado de Yhwh anticipado en la liturgia de IsraelSal 93-100 como composición
ISSN: 0036-3537
Any de publicació: 2020
Volum: 67
Fascicle: 1
Pàgines: 11-34
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Salmanticensis
There is a whole theology of history contained in the Psalms; but a theology that occurs in the very act of prayer, the communal, canonical, and liturgical prayer. That is why it must be traced in the same texts that put words to this prayer. Based on the assumption of a “planned redaction of the Psalter”, this contribution will focus on Book IV of the Psalter, because there takes place a decisive turn in language, which corresponds to a redefinition of Israel’s hopes. Within the framework of this fourth book, the group of Psalms 93-100 – centered on the image of Yhwh King– will be studied, to finally work out the structuring of space and time that underlies Ps 96 and 98 –the most conspicuous pieces of this cluster. On this basis it is hoped to better understand the relationship between liturgy and history.
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