Palabra y pensamiento en Borges

  1. Naveira del Valle, Liliana María
Supervised by:
  1. Eudaldo Forment Giralt Director

Defence university: Universitat de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 13 June 2005

  1. José Luis Arce Carrascoso Chair
  2. Jordi Rafael Sales Coderch Secretary
  3. Conrad Vilanou Torrano Committee member
  4. José Villalobos Domínguez Committee member
  5. Raúl Pedro Gabás Pallás Committee member

Type: Thesis

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Jorge Luis Borges, the argentine writer, is greatly recognised in the fields of Literature, as a famous and most excellent poet, as well as in Philosophy, due to his texts about Time, Eternity, Theology. His production includes the reflections about Aesthetics, the value of the poetical word, the exquisite meditations about connotative symbols, metaphors and analogies. Based upon this particularity of the poetical productions, the aim of the present work is to determine strong considerations about the constant mention of the philosophical world in Borges. The exegesis of his poems, stories and pages including elaboration of different semantic fields, (such as the dualism of Body and Soul, Heaven and Hell, Faith and Ration, Goodness and Badness) leads into a philosophical reflection. This particularity is strongly determined by two aspects of the History of Philosophy: the English empirism, which characters are included in Borgess texts providing refutations to Metaphysics; and the influence of Platonism, which is present in a production leading to a world of manifestation of the sacred God. To sum up, we consider that the most important contributions to the exegesis for the study of the production of Borges are: - The philosophical reflections are undoubtedly proof of an hermeneutic objective, in pro of Philology and Aesthetics, - Philosophy and Literature constitute a conceptual basis over which the context world is understood and developed, - The aim of the Poetic elaboration in Borges is a Metaphysical goal constructed upon the intensive dealing with the Beauty which is omnipresent in every word."