Análisis de las interacciones de la línea de medios de un equipo de fútbol de éliteEstudio de caso
- Amatria Jiménez, Mario 1
- Marqués Millán, Raúl 2
- Ramírez San José, Javier 2
- 1 Universidad Pontificia Salamanca, España
- 2 Universidad de Zaragoza, España
ISSN: 1578-8423, 1989-5879
Year of publication: 2023
Issue Title: CPD3(2023)
Volume: 23
Issue: 3
Pages: 331-351
Type: Article
More publications in: Cuadernos de psicología del deporte
The analysis of the interactions that occur between players of a soccer team during a competition is of great importance since the results of the matches are obtained from the results of the same. Some interactions a priori seem to be the result of chance, but it has been shown that they are not the result of chance. The ability to anticipate and/or be prepared for these adversary behaviors will increase the chances of success. For this reason, a double objective of the study has been established; To identify, through analysis of polar coordinates, the relationships, and links that are established between the players that make up the midfielder line, midfielders, the champion team of the 2020 Spanish Super Cup (Real Madrid CF) and each other. As well as identifying the synergies that occur between this line of players, as a whole, with the different lines that make up the tactical structure of the team. For this purpose, a contrasted observation instrument has been used to collect data, which were subsequently treated using the analysis of polar coordinates. They show that the midfield line, about inter-line relationships, shows a disconnection between the midfield line and the defense and goalkeeper, and is significantly related to itself, although not with the same intensity in all of them (intra-line relationships).
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