Publicaciones en las que colabora con Francisco Llerena Ruíz (12)


  1. Effects of physical training on erythrocyte trace elements (Cu, Fe, Se, Zn).

    21st Congress of the European College of Sport Science

  2. Hypertermia: acute effects on selenium and zinc trace minerals in erythrocyes, serum and urine.

    International Congress Exercises and Health, Sports and Human Development

  3. Influence of Heath Stress in Mg and P Metabolism during maximal effort test.

    International Congress Exercises and Health, Sports and Human Development


  1. Ingesta, concentraciones séricas y urinarias de molibdeno y selenio. Relación con la actividad física.

    Congreso Internacioanl de Innovación Deportiva en el Marco Transfronterizo.