Diseño, desarrollo, implementación y evaluación de una plataforma multicanal, (L.M.S) de apoyo al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje on line de la Física Médica

  1. Sánchez LLorente, José Miguel
Supervised by:
  1. Javier Cabrero Fraile Director
  2. María José Rodríguez Conde Director
  3. Javier Borrajo Sánchez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 10 July 2009

  1. José Ramón García-Talavera Fernández Chair
  2. María Esperanza Herrera García Secretary
  3. Amparo Pérez Carbonell Committee member
  4. Miguel Alcaraz Baños Committee member
  5. Teodoro Palomares Casado Committee member

Type: Thesis


The Spanish University is mired in a process of structural change, based on the establishment of a Europe of knowledge and with the aim of achieving improvements in the quality of higher no mercy. The development of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the incorporation and extension of the use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) facilitate the development of a training action flexible, student-centered and tailored to their characteristics and needs, with individualized and continuous monitoring of students. In this framework is to make a multi tool (LMS: Learning Management System) which enables the student to acquire the knowledge interactively custom relating to the contents of the discipline "Medical Physics" which is taught in the Faculty of Medicine University of Salamanca. The main objective of this research is therefore to design, develop, implement and evaluate a tool (FISIM) to support the teaching-learning process online content that the term "Medical Physics" entails.