Análisis de la toma de decisiones en educación física escolar a través del tchoukball
- Salvador Pérez Muñoz 1
- Rafael Domínguez Muñoz 2
- Beatriz Garrido González 3
- Diana Barrero Sanz 4
- Javier Germán Arenas García 5
Universidad de Salamanca
- 2 CRA Campos de Castilla (Palencia, España)
- 3 CEIP Comarcal Los Ángeles (Burgos, España)
- 4 CRA Vetonia (Poyales del Hoyo, España)
- 5 CRA María Magdalena (Salamanca, España)
ISSN: 1989-841X
Year of publication: 2017
Issue: 32
Pages: 8-29
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Internacional de Deportes Colectivos
One of the main tasks of Physical Education teachers today is to motivate our students and provide them with new activities to improve their skills and knowledge. In our case we opted for a new sport in our country, Tchoukball, which can serve as a basis for further learning best-known sports like basketball or handball. The study shows the improvement of skills and skills, decision-making and performance index related Tchoukball and how it makes our students improve faster access to further learning of other sports with similar characteristics.
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